APG Public Management Program


For leaders of governmental institutions

Program objective

In this five-day full day event, Oscar Motomura and his guests will be facilitating a super-intensive program to update government leaders on the latest and most innovative ideas in ​​public management. Special emphasis will be placed on cutting-edge solutions that governments from different parts of the world are creating for their critical equations in the field of governance which integrates federal, state and city levels into the whole and lends significance to the citizens of the country. In addition to these state-of-the-art solutions, which go beyond traditional "best practice" concepts, Amana-Key will be providing "templates" for creating innovations rooted in key service areas to society, e.g., education, health, security, communication, infrastructure, etc.. The conceptual framework of Amana-Key’s APG Programs (leadership and systemic management) and their established methodology will also be present in the APG Public Management Program.


Key topics

The content of the APG Public Management Program covers all the technical, political, cultural, strategic, and human aspects that define the evolution of public organizations and society as a whole in the short-, medium- and long-term and will revolve around 12 key roles:

1. The Public Manager as a Statesman (Focus on the Greater All);

2. The Public Manager as a Strategist (The Quest for the Feasibility of the Impossible);

3. The Public Manager as a Transformation Agent (Continuous Renewal as an Inherent Responsibility);

4. The Public Manager as a Result Catalyst (The Search for World-Class Productivity);

5. The Public Manager as a Process and Network Architect (Leading by Design);

6. The Public Manager as a Technical Innovator (The Creative Use of Cutting-Edge Technologies);

7. The Public Manager as a Mediator/Diplomat (The Priority of Organizational Harmony);

8. The Public Manager as a Negotiator (Achieving Best Working Conditions);

9. The Public Manager as an Educator (Setting up Teams for Today and Tomorrow);

10. The Public Manager as a Leader of Leaders (Naturality with Power and Influence);

11. The Public Manager as a Server (Awareness of Serving the Collectivity);

12. The Public Manager as a Cultivator of Values ​​(Ethics as the Path for the Realization of the Common Good).



For leaders holding middle management positions

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For senior and middle management executives (including those who have attended the long apg program)

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APG Gestão

For leaders of governmental institutions

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